Class Interactions

Contains - by value.

class X


private Y itsY;


!! indicates that X and Y have
identical lifetimes.

When X is destroyed, Y will be destroyed too


class X


public: void F(const Y&);


Y is used within the source code
of class X.

Have different lifeline. Y may outlive X.

Contains - by reference.

class X



Y* itsY;


This is used to indicate that X
and Y have dissimilar lifetimes.

Y may outlive X.


Class Y:X


This indicates that Y is a public

base class of X. have same lifetime.


Invoking a member function.

void X::F(Y& theY)


P p;

V v = theY.M(p);



Using a container class.

class X



Set<Y*> itsYs;


Contains array or so.

Can have different lifetimes