What is CLR

Language Runtime is like

  • mfc42.dll  for a MFC application
  • msvbvm60.dll for old VB application
  •  Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for ajava application

mscoree.dll  - has clr engine
mscorlib.dll has many BCLs to be loaded



Some important namespaces

System coew
System.Collections collections
System.Collections.Generic generics
System.Data database
System.Data.Common odbc
System.Data.EntityClient entity
System.Data.SqlClient Sql server
System.IO File io
System.IO.Compression IO zip
System.Reflection reflection
System.Reflection.Emit reflection
System.Runtime.InteropServices interop
System.Drawing drawing
System.Windows.Forms windows forms app
System.Windows windows app
System.Windows.Controls Windows app controls
System.Linq LINQ
System.Xml.Linq XML LINQ
System.Data.DataSetExtensions data extensions
System.Web asp.net
System.ServiceModel wcf
System.Workflow.Runtime WF
System.Workflow.Activities WF
System.Threading threading

Three forms of Main function

static int Main(string[] args){  return 0;}
static void Main(){}
static int Main(){  return 0;} 

checked and unchecked are used to avoid or enforce numeric overflow tolerancechecked and unchecked are used to avoid or enforce numeric overflow tolerance