Find number of islands in a two dimensional bit array
One island is defined as all elemnts which are 1, including neighbours(with or without diagonals).
Or Array Islands problem.
Array TwoDimArray;
// Create three variables
//1 This is a boolean array to remember what you scanned already
Array MyOwnArray;
// to remember the width (calling array.Size every time - I dont like- Dont believe compiler :) )
int width;
// to remember the height of array
int height;
label1.Text = "";
TwoDimArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Int32), 9, 9);
for (int i = 0; i < TwoDimArray.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TwoDimArray.GetLength(1); j++)
TwoDimArray.SetValue((i * j) % 5 % 2, i, j);
// To see what we populated
for (int i = 0; i < TwoDimArray.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TwoDimArray.GetLength(1); j++)
label1.Text += TwoDimArray.GetValue(i,j).ToString();
label1.Text += "\n\r";
// Here is a lovely thing...
// Look at TwoDimArray.SetValue((i * j) % 5 % 2, i, j);
// Just replace (i * j) % 5 % 2
// with (i+j ) %2
// or with (i+j ) %2
// or with (i*j )%3 %2
// or with (i*j )%7 %2
// This is to get lot of variations during testing...
width = TwoDimArray.GetLength(0);
height = TwoDimArray.GetLength(1);
MyOwnArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(Boolean), width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
MyOwnArray.SetValue(false, i, j);
int answer = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
//ignore if you already scanned
if( ( ( (bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(i, j) ) == false) &&
( ((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(i, j)) != 0) )
// true/fa;se in third argument will include or exclude diagonals as neghbours
sweepneighbours(i, j,true);
label3.Text = answer.ToString();
if ((iii < width) && (jjj < height))
//sweep self
if (((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii, jjj)) != 0)
// This is an important step -- otherwise we will endup recusive call for neighbours
MyOwnArray.SetValue(true, iii, jjj);
//sweep top left
if ( diag&& ((iii - 1) > -1) &&
((jjj - 1) > -1) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii - 1, jjj - 1) == false ) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii - 1, jjj - 1)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii - 1, jjj - 1, diag);
//sweep top == Already done
if ( ((jjj - 1) > -1) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii, jjj - 1) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii, jjj - 1)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii, jjj - 1, diag);
//sweep topright == Already done
if ( diag&& ((iii + 1) < width) &&
((jjj - 1) > -1) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii+1, jjj - 1) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii + 1, jjj - 1)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii + 1, jjj - 1, diag);
//sweep left == Already done
if ( ((iii - 1) > -1) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii - 1, jjj) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii - 1, jjj)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii - 1, jjj, diag);
//sweep right
if ( ((iii + 1) < width) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii + 1, jjj) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii + 1, jjj)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii + 1, jjj, diag);
//sweep bottomleft
if ( diag&& ((iii - 1) > -1) &&
((jjj + 1) < height) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii - 1, jjj + 1) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii - 1, jjj + 1)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii - 1, jjj + 1, diag);
//sweep bottom
if ( ((jjj + 1) < width) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii, jjj + 1) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii, jjj + 1)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii, jjj + 1, diag);
//sweep bottom right
if ( diag&& ((iii + 1) < width) &&
((jjj + 1) < height) &&
((bool)MyOwnArray.GetValue(iii + 1 , jjj + 1) == false) &&
(((int)TwoDimArray.GetValue(iii + 1, jjj + 1)) != 0))
sweepneighbours(iii + 1, jjj + 1, diag);
1) this is not a very efficient
-- because I could have done
MyOwnArray.SetValue(true,blah!!,blah!!) at many places above to save the processor.
2) problem asked for boolean array and I used a int array -- started lazy
Notes: If diagonal are included, A typical chessboard is treated as one island
If diagonals are excluded chess board will have 32 islands
Happy programming.....
I was looking for solution to this problem for long.
got good direction for this.
My 5 points for the idea
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ArrayIslands
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[,] x = new int[4, 4]
{ {1,0,0,1},
int y = CalculateIsland(x);
Console.WriteLine("Total number of islands in this array are : "+y.ToString());
static int CalculateIsland(int[,] x)
if (x == null)
return -1;
int islandCount=0;
int length = x.GetLength(0);
int height = x.GetLength(1);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if (x[i, j] == 1)
sweepNeighbors(x,i, j);
return islandCount;
static void sweepNeighbors(int[,] x, int ii, int jj)
int length = x.GetLength(0);
int height = x.GetLength(1);
if (ii < length && jj < height && x[ii, jj] == 1)
//mark this as visited
x[ii, jj] = 2;
//Look at 4 neighbors
if (ii >= 0 && jj >= 1 && x[ii, jj - 1] == 1)
sweepNeighbors(x, ii, jj - 1);
if (ii >= 0 && jj < height - 1 && x[ii, jj + 1] == 1)
sweepNeighbors(x, ii, jj + 1);
if (ii > 0 && jj >= 0 && x[ii - 1, jj] == 1)
sweepNeighbors(x, ii - 1, jj);
if (ii < length - 1 && jj < height && x[ii + 1, jj] == 1)
sweepNeighbors(x,ii + 1, jj);