Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)
XSS vulnerabilities are currently known as three types
1 Reflected XSS Type-1 XSS a page reflects attacker-supplied data directly back to the victim.
2 stored XSS Type-2 XSS when a input system accepts hostile data, stores it in a file, database, or other back-end system
3 local XSS Type-0 Document Object Model-based XSS, attacks client side JavaScript code and variables.
Validate Input
Encode output
Input can be from webpage or from somewhere else in the system.
Ex: Page text box inputs.
ex: Input data is in a file that is uploaded.
1) Donot allow these kind of inputs
FirstName <a href="javascript:document.location=''+document.cookie">DON</a>
FirstName <b onmouseover="document.location = '' + document.cookie">DON</b><script>MaliciousScript()</script>
2) Typically( at most..) allow only these tags but without attributes.(deny attributes)
Use RegularExpressionValidators
3) Page level validation Fix for pages
<%@ Page ValidateRequest="true">
Validation FIX across pages - in web.config
<pages validateRequest="true"/>
Encode output
Use HTMLEncode while display of any data.
Use AntiXSS.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["name"])
Hello, <%= AntiXSS.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["name"]) %>
vulnerabilities are know in three different types
first order
a page constructs SQL statements based on the attacker-supplied data
Ex: user input for customerid
125 ; drop table customers instead of 125
So SQL turns out to be
select * from customers where custid=125 ; drop table customers
insted of
select * from customers where custid=125
second order
attacker submits hostile data through a Web page that stores it in a file, database, or other data store.
Nothing happens immediately.
but expect an unexpected SQL to get executed in a SQLJob / or any fortnightly job which gets excuted on the data.
truncation vulnerabilities
attacker uses varying buffer lengths to truncate a delimited string and uses another input value to inject his commands of choice into a dynamically constructed SQL statement.