String Formatting

C to format currency.
D to format decimal numbers.
E for exponential notation.
F for fixed-point formatting.
G Stands for general.
N for basic numerical formatting
X for hexadecimal formatting.

Console.WriteLine("The integer 12345 :");
Console.WriteLine("c format: {0:c}", 12345 );
Console.WriteLine("d9 format: {0:d9}", 12345 );
Console.WriteLine("f3 format: {0:f3}", 12345 );
Console.WriteLine("n format: {0:n}", 12345 );
\' \" Inserts a ' , " into a string literal.
\\ Inserts a backslash
\a alert (beep).
\n Inserts a new line
\r Inserts a carriage return.
\t Inserts a horizontal tab .