LINQ convert string[] to Int[]

string[] numbers = { "0142", "010", "00219", "00927" };

// Get Numbers
int[] nums = numbers
.Select(s => Int32.Parse(s))
foreach (int num in nums) Console.WriteLine(num);

// Get Numbers in order
nums = numbers
.Select(s => Int32.Parse(s))
.OrderBy(s => s)
foreach (int num in nums) Console.WriteLine(num);
// Get Squares
// add a method as below..
public int getsquare(int inn){ return inn * inn; }

// now call as below
int[] squares = numbers
.Select(s => (getsquare(Int32.Parse(s)) ) ) // parse and get Square
.OrderBy(s => s) // sort
.ToArray() ; // to an array
foreach (int num in squares) Console.WriteLine(num);
// return an anonymous type object
var znums = numbers
.Select(s => (getsquare(Int32.Parse(s))).ToString().Substring(0, 1))
.OrderBy(s => s)
.Select(s => new { firstMember = s, secondMember = ("%" + s + "%") })
.Select(r => new { aaa = r.firstMember, bbb = r.secondMember }).ToArray();
foreach (var num in znums) Console.WriteLine( + num.bbb.ToString());

Notice the Two .Select clauses and two lines... UNNECESSARY .. Shown to explain how the member names work.
Try commenting the last SELECT line and notice the changes required while displaying on console.Writeline( ....)