what is difference between Window and page in WPF
What is UIVirtualization in WPF
The HttpGetEnabled property of ServiceMetadataBehavior is set to true and the HttpGetUrl property is a relative address, but there is no http base address. Either supply an http base address or set HttpGetUrl to an absolute address.
Closures in c# .NET
Get vs Post
important page members
Trace - for debug log
Session -- session data for the current caller
Cache -- client side livable kvp
Application -- webapp (to use common variables KVP bag)
To know call/caller
1 ClientTarget requesting browser
2 IsPostBack -- in response to a client postback or first time
3 Request HTTPRequest- to get the request details
Output related:
MasterPageFile = common page components.
Establishes the master page for the current page
Response - this is what you output
Server HttpServerUtility object, for server-side helper functions
Theme page theme
Cookies : kvps @clients pace as cookies
Form collection of HTTP form variables
Headers collection of HTTP headers
QueryString collection of HTTP query variables
a collection of web server variables
ApplicationPath WebApps virtual application root path on the server
FilePath Indicates the virtual path of the current request
Browser : Client capabilities
HttpMethod transfer method (GET/ POST)
IsSecureConnection whether HTTP /HTTPS
RawUrl request’s URL
RequestType data transfer method by client (GET/POST)
UserHostAddress IP host address of the remote client
UserHostName DNS name of client
ControlToValidate ,,Display ,EnableClientScript ,ErrorMessage ,ForeColor
Enabling Client Side JavaScript Validation Support
with ASP.NET 4.5, "EnableClientScript " a new setting which can be used to control how validation controls respond at runtime.