requires wind, noisy if you live close by, visual pollution, very expensive to set up in the
what are the disadvantages of wind power
the hotter a substance is the more infrared radiation it gives of true or false
air or plastic
give an example of an insulator
releases carbon dioxide, which adds to the greenhouse effect and increases global warming
what happens when fossil fuels are burnt
no pollution or greenhouse gasses, renewable, can generate electricity and times of high
name the advantages of hydroelectric power
very expensive to initially set up, works better on roofs that face to the south.
what are the disadvantages of solar energy
no not in radiation
are particles involved in convection conduction and radiation
what solids conduct best
plants die in swamps and layers of sand, water and mud bury them, pressure and high
temperatures turn the plants into coal
how is coal formed
excellent for countries like newzeland and Ice land preovides renewable energy, no
pollution or greenhouse gasses
what are the advantages of geothermal power
another name for elastic energy
energy cannot be created or destroyed only be changed from one form to another.
what si the law of energy
non renewable, pollution, harmful to wildlife.
what are the disadvantages of fossil fuels
no pollution of greenhouse gasses, expensive to set up
name the disadvantages of tidal power
coal, oil and natural gas
what the fossil fuels
before you drop a ball what energy does it have
sound and heat
when you drop a ball what is the gpe transferred into
to get a more reliable answer
why would someone repeat their measurements in a practical
more predictable the sun and wind, has potential to generate lots of electricity, renewable
name advantages of tidal power
canot be replenished and cannot be replaced quickly
what is the definition of non renewable
how can you detect heat energy
renewable, no pollution, can be used in remote locations
what are the advantages of solar energy
how do you obtain oil
only suitable in some locations, cost of drilling
what are the disadvantages of geothermal power
sankey diagrams
how can you show transferes
liquids and gasses
where does convection happen
where does conduction occur
one form of energy turns into another
what happens when energy is transeferd
what are substances that do not allow heat to flow through them called
something that makes something happen
what is the definition of energy
kinetic, heat, light, gravitational potential, chemical, sound, electrical, elastic,
name all 9 types of energy
conduction, convection, radiation
name the three ways heat can be transferd
useful energy divided by total energy input and times it by 1 hundred
how do find out hoe efficient an object is
another name for heat energy
hot particles
what are lighter hot particles or cool particles
carbon dioxide forms an atmosphere traps in the heat from the sun
what is the greenhouse effect
what are substances that allow heat to flow through them called
microscopic plants and animals die and fall to the sea bed, layers of sand and mud form on the
top, pressure and high temperature causes oil
explain how oils and gasses are fomed
solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, tidal, wave.
what are the 6 types of renewable energies
how do you measure energy (spell)
the sun because the sun grow the plants
where does the energy in coal ultimately come from
renewable, after built very few costs needed
what are the advantages of wind power
warmer to coooler
does heat flow from warmer to cooler objects or cooler to warmer
expensive to set up, ares need to be flooded and destroyed habitats, only be built in hilly
name the disadvantages of hydroelectric power