Copy a LinkedList with a random pointer to one of the list element

Problem statement: I have alinked list of objects.
Each object has a pointer called Randomobj that points to any of its elemen.
So randomobj can point to self or one of any previous / null / one of any later....
// Here is asimple LinkedList class
class LlEleWithRandom
public LlEleWithRandom Randomobj = null;
public LlEleWithRandom next = null;
public int value;
public LlEleWithRandom(int v)
value = v;

// Simple populate some test data...
LlEleWithRandom GivenSourceRoot = new LlEleWithRandom(0);
LlEleWithRandom temp = GivenSourceRoot;

ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
{ = new LlEleWithRandom(i);
temp =;

Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Second);
for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++)
int aa = r.Next(10);
((LlEleWithRandom)al[i]).Randomobj = (LlEleWithRandom)al[aa];
// Display the stuff
label1.Text = "";
for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++)
label1.Text += ((LlEleWithRandom)al[i]).value.ToString() + " --" + ((LlEleWithRandom)al[i]).Randomobj.value.ToString() + "\n\r";

//call the real function

LlEleWithRandom z = copyofmyLL(GivenSourceRoot);

// Display to verify the source and destinations
LlEleWithRandom tempp = z;
//Display the answer Linkedlist
label2.Text = "";
while (tempp != null)
label2.Text += tempp.value.ToString() + " --" + tempp.Randomobj.value.ToString() + "\n\r";
tempp =;

label3.Text = "";
tempp = GivenSourceRoot;
// Display the source LinkedList
while (tempp != null)
label3.Text += tempp.value.ToString() + " --" + tempp.Randomobj.value.ToString() + "\n\r";
tempp =;
// Function to get the final answer

private LlEleWithRandom copyofmyLL(LlEleWithRandom source)
LlEleWithRandom temp = source;
LlEleWithRandom myanswer = null;
LlEleWithRandom tempanswer = null;

// Initially create the new elements
int counter = 0;
while (temp !=null)
tempanswer = new LlEleWithRandom(temp.value);
tempanswer.Randomobj = temp.Randomobj;
temp.Randomobj = tempanswer;
temp =;
if (counter == 0) myanswer = tempanswer;

temp = source;

// Fill the next elements of the Answer
while (temp != null)
tempanswer = temp.Randomobj; = ( == null) ? null :;
temp =;

// Fill the Random and revert the source
temp = source;
while (temp != null)
tempanswer = temp.Randomobj;
LlEleWithRandom quicktemp = tempanswer.Randomobj;
temp.Randomobj = quicktemp;
temp =;

return myanswer;
Variable naming looks a little complex here.
variables के नाम अच्चे से रखो
Good code,I am thinking of using this code for writing some test cases, it will be a great idea to add some test cases here.
Ashish ji,
पैसे मिलेंगे तो ठीक् code लिखेंगे | सब मुफ्त मे मिलेगा?
copyofmyLL(LlEleWithRandom source)
makes 3 scans along the length -- I think it can be made in two scans?
Yes I think it can be done in two passes Let me try.
Also I am curious to test this with some randomobjs as null.

Thanks anyway...