Eight Queens Problem

Problem Statement:
You need to find all possible solutions to place eight queens on a chess board - Condition is no two queens should be able to collide.
Note: Queen can move diagonally or linearly to any length.
string answer = "";
int q1 = 0;
int q2 = 0;
int q3 = 0;
int q4 = 0;
int q5 = 0;
int q6 = 0;
int q7 = 0;
int q8 = 0;

int counter = 0;

for ( q1 = 1; q1 < 9; q1++)
for ( q2 = 1; q2 < 9; q2++)
if ((q1 != q2)&& ( Math.Abs(q1 - q2) != 1 ) )
for ( q3 = 1; q3 < 9; q3++)
if ((q1 != q3) && (q2 != q3) && (Math.Abs(q1 - q3) != 2) && (Math.Abs(q2 - q3) != 1))
for ( q4 = 1; q4 < 9; q4++)
if ((q1 != q4) && (q2 != q4) && (q3 != q4) && (Math.Abs(q1 - q4) != 3) && (Math.Abs(q2 - q4) != 2) && (Math.Abs(q3 - q4) != 1))
for ( q5 = 1; q5 < 9; q5++)
if ((q1 != q5) && (q2 != q5) && (q3 != q5) && (q4 != q5) && (Math.Abs(q1 - q5) != 4) && (Math.Abs(q2 - q5) != 3) && (Math.Abs(q3 - q5) != 2) && (Math.Abs(q4 - q5) != 1))
for ( q6 = 1; q6 < 9; q6++)
if ((q1 != q6) && (q2 != q6) && (q3 != q6) && (q4 != q6) && (q5 != q6)
&& (Math.Abs(q1 - q6) != 5)
&& (Math.Abs(q2 - q6) != 4)
&& (Math.Abs(q3 - q6) != 3)
&& (Math.Abs(q4 - q6) != 2)
&& (Math.Abs(q5 - q6) != 1))
for ( q7 = 1; q7 < 9; q7++)
if ((q1 != q7) && (q2 != q7) && (q3 != q7) && (q4 != q7) && (q5 != q7) && (q6 != q7)
&& (Math.Abs(q1 - q7) != 6)
&& (Math.Abs(q2 - q7) != 5)
&& (Math.Abs(q3 - q7) != 4)
&& (Math.Abs(q4 - q7) != 3)
&& (Math.Abs(q5 - q7) != 2)
&& (Math.Abs(q6 - q7) != 1))
for ( q8 = 1; q8 < 9; q8++)
if ((q1 != q8) && (q2 != q8) && (q3 != q8) && (q4 != q8) && (q5 != q8) && (q6 != q8) && (q7 != q8)
&& (Math.Abs(q1 - q8) != 7)
&& (Math.Abs(q2 - q8) != 6)
&& (Math.Abs(q3 - q8) != 5)
&& (Math.Abs(q4 - q8) != 4)
&& (Math.Abs(q5 - q8) != 3)
&& (Math.Abs(q6 - q8) != 2)
&& (Math.Abs(q7 - q8) != 1))
answer += counter.ToString() + ": " +
"(1," + q1.ToString() + "),"+
"(2," + q2.ToString() + ")," +
"(3," + q3.ToString() + ")," +
"(4," + q4.ToString() + ")," +
"(5," + q5.ToString() + ")," +
"(6," + q6.ToString() + ")," +
"(7," + q7.ToString() + ")," +
"(8," + q8.ToString() + ")" + "\n\r";


MessageBox.Show(answer );
label2.Text = answer;
Messagebox output:
1: (1,1),(2,5),(3,8),(4,6),(5,3),(6,7),(7,2),(8,4)

2: (1,1),(2,6),(3,8),(4,3),(5,7),(6,4),(7,2),(8,5)

3: (1,1),(2,7),(3,4),(4,6),(5,8),(6,2),(7,5),(8,3)

4: (1,1),(2,7),(3,5),(4,8),(5,2),(6,4),(7,6),(8,3)

5: (1,2),(2,4),(3,6),(4,8),(5,3),(6,1),(7,7),(8,5)

6: (1,2),(2,5),(3,7),(4,1),(5,3),(6,8),(7,6),(8,4)

7: (1,2),(2,5),(3,7),(4,4),(5,1),(6,8),(7,6),(8,3)

8: (1,2),(2,6),(3,1),(4,7),(5,4),(6,8),(7,3),(8,5)

9: (1,2),(2,6),(3,8),(4,3),(5,1),(6,4),(7,7),(8,5)

10: (1,2),(2,7),(3,3),(4,6),(5,8),(6,5),(7,1),(8,4)

11: (1,2),(2,7),(3,5),(4,8),(5,1),(6,4),(7,6),(8,3)

12: (1,2),(2,8),(3,6),(4,1),(5,3),(6,5),(7,7),(8,4)

13: (1,3),(2,1),(3,7),(4,5),(5,8),(6,2),(7,4),(8,6)

14: (1,3),(2,5),(3,2),(4,8),(5,1),(6,7),(7,4),(8,6)

15: (1,3),(2,5),(3,2),(4,8),(5,6),(6,4),(7,7),(8,1)

16: (1,3),(2,5),(3,7),(4,1),(5,4),(6,2),(7,8),(8,6)

17: (1,3),(2,5),(3,8),(4,4),(5,1),(6,7),(7,2),(8,6)

18: (1,3),(2,6),(3,2),(4,5),(5,8),(6,1),(7,7),(8,4)

19: (1,3),(2,6),(3,2),(4,7),(5,1),(6,4),(7,8),(8,5)

20: (1,3),(2,6),(3,2),(4,7),(5,5),(6,1),(7,8),(8,4)

21: (1,3),(2,6),(3,4),(4,1),(5,8),(6,5),(7,7),(8,2)

22: (1,3),(2,6),(3,4),(4,2),(5,8),(6,5),(7,7),(8,1)

23: (1,3),(2,6),(3,8),(4,1),(5,4),(6,7),(7,5),(8,2)

24: (1,3),(2,6),(3,8),(4,1),(5,5),(6,7),(7,2),(8,4)

25: (1,3),(2,6),(3,8),(4,2),(5,4),(6,1),(7,7),(8,5)

26: (1,3),(2,7),(3,2),(4,8),(5,5),(6,1),(7,4),(8,6)

27: (1,3),(2,7),(3,2),(4,8),(5,6),(6,4),(7,1),(8,5)

28: (1,3),(2,8),(3,4),(4,7),(5,1),(6,6),(7,2),(8,5)

29: (1,4),(2,1),(3,5),(4,8),(5,2),(6,7),(7,3),(8,6)

30: (1,4),(2,1),(3,5),(4,8),(5,6),(6,3),(7,7),(8,2)

31: (1,4),(2,2),(3,5),(4,8),(5,6),(6,1),(7,3),(8,7)

32: (1,4),(2,2),(3,7),(4,3),(5,6),(6,8),(7,1),(8,5)

33: (1,4),(2,2),(3,7),(4,3),(5,6),(6,8),(7,5),(8,1)

34: (1,4),(2,2),(3,7),(4,5),(5,1),(6,8),(7,6),(8,3)

35: (1,4),(2,2),(3,8),(4,5),(5,7),(6,1),(7,3),(8,6)

36: (1,4),(2,2),(3,8),(4,6),(5,1),(6,3),(7,5),(8,7)

37: (1,4),(2,6),(3,1),(4,5),(5,2),(6,8),(7,3),(8,7)

38: (1,4),(2,6),(3,8),(4,2),(5,7),(6,1),(7,3),(8,5)

39: (1,4),(2,6),(3,8),(4,3),(5,1),(6,7),(7,5),(8,2)

40: (1,4),(2,7),(3,1),(4,8),(5,5),(6,2),(7,6),(8,3)

41: (1,4),(2,7),(3,3),(4,8),(5,2),(6,5),(7,1),(8,6)

42: (1,4),(2,7),(3,5),(4,2),(5,6),(6,1),(7,3),(8,8)

43: (1,4),(2,7),(3,5),(4,3),(5,1),(6,6),(7,8),(8,2)

44: (1,4),(2,8),(3,1),(4,3),(5,6),(6,2),(7,7),(8,5)

45: (1,4),(2,8),(3,1),(4,5),(5,7),(6,2),(7,6),(8,3)

46: (1,4),(2,8),(3,5),(4,3),(5,1),(6,7),(7,2),(8,6)

47: (1,5),(2,1),(3,4),(4,6),(5,8),(6,2),(7,7),(8,3)

48: (1,5),(2,1),(3,8),(4,4),(5,2),(6,7),(7,3),(8,6)

49: (1,5),(2,1),(3,8),(4,6),(5,3),(6,7),(7,2),(8,4)

50: (1,5),(2,2),(3,4),(4,6),(5,8),(6,3),(7,1),(8,7)

51: (1,5),(2,2),(3,4),(4,7),(5,3),(6,8),(7,6),(8,1)

52: (1,5),(2,2),(3,6),(4,1),(5,7),(6,4),(7,8),(8,3)

53: (1,5),(2,2),(3,8),(4,1),(5,4),(6,7),(7,3),(8,6)

54: (1,5),(2,3),(3,1),(4,6),(5,8),(6,2),(7,4),(8,7)

55: (1,5),(2,3),(3,1),(4,7),(5,2),(6,8),(7,6),(8,4)

56: (1,5),(2,3),(3,8),(4,4),(5,7),(6,1),(7,6),(8,2)

57: (1,5),(2,7),(3,1),(4,3),(5,8),(6,6),(7,4),(8,2)

58: (1,5),(2,7),(3,1),(4,4),(5,2),(6,8),(7,6),(8,3)

59: (1,5),(2,7),(3,2),(4,4),(5,8),(6,1),(7,3),(8,6)

60: (1,5),(2,7),(3,2),(4,6),(5,3),(6,1),(7,4),(8,8)

61: (1,5),(2,7),(3,2),(4,6),(5,3),(6,1),(7,8),(8,4)

62: (1,5),(2,7),(3,4),(4,1),(5,3),(6,8),(7,6),(8,2)

63: (1,5),(2,8),(3,4),(4,1),(5,3),(6,6),(7,2),(8,7)

64: (1,5),(2,8),(3,4),(4,1),(5,7),(6,2),(7,6),(8,3)

65: (1,6),(2,1),(3,5),(4,2),(5,8),(6,3),(7,7),(8,4)

66: (1,6),(2,2),(3,7),(4,1),(5,3),(6,5),(7,8),(8,4)

67: (1,6),(2,2),(3,7),(4,1),(5,4),(6,8),(7,5),(8,3)

68: (1,6),(2,3),(3,1),(4,7),(5,5),(6,8),(7,2),(8,4)

69: (1,6),(2,3),(3,1),(4,8),(5,4),(6,2),(7,7),(8,5)

70: (1,6),(2,3),(3,1),(4,8),(5,5),(6,2),(7,4),(8,7)

71: (1,6),(2,3),(3,5),(4,7),(5,1),(6,4),(7,2),(8,8)

72: (1,6),(2,3),(3,5),(4,8),(5,1),(6,4),(7,2),(8,7)

73: (1,6),(2,3),(3,7),(4,2),(5,4),(6,8),(7,1),(8,5)

74: (1,6),(2,3),(3,7),(4,2),(5,8),(6,5),(7,1),(8,4)

75: (1,6),(2,3),(3,7),(4,4),(5,1),(6,8),(7,2),(8,5)

76: (1,6),(2,4),(3,1),(4,5),(5,8),(6,2),(7,7),(8,3)

77: (1,6),(2,4),(3,2),(4,8),(5,5),(6,7),(7,1),(8,3)

78: (1,6),(2,4),(3,7),(4,1),(5,3),(6,5),(7,2),(8,8)

79: (1,6),(2,4),(3,7),(4,1),(5,8),(6,2),(7,5),(8,3)

80: (1,6),(2,8),(3,2),(4,4),(5,1),(6,7),(7,5),(8,3)

81: (1,7),(2,1),(3,3),(4,8),(5,6),(6,4),(7,2),(8,5)

82: (1,7),(2,2),(3,4),(4,1),(5,8),(6,5),(7,3),(8,6)

83: (1,7),(2,2),(3,6),(4,3),(5,1),(6,4),(7,8),(8,5)

84: (1,7),(2,3),(3,1),(4,6),(5,8),(6,5),(7,2),(8,4)

85: (1,7),(2,3),(3,8),(4,2),(5,5),(6,1),(7,6),(8,4)

86: (1,7),(2,4),(3,2),(4,5),(5,8),(6,1),(7,3),(8,6)

87: (1,7),(2,4),(3,2),(4,8),(5,6),(6,1),(7,3),(8,5)

88: (1,7),(2,5),(3,3),(4,1),(5,6),(6,8),(7,2),(8,4)

89: (1,8),(2,2),(3,4),(4,1),(5,7),(6,5),(7,3),(8,6)

90: (1,8),(2,2),(3,5),(4,3),(5,1),(6,7),(7,4),(8,6)

91: (1,8),(2,3),(3,1),(4,6),(5,2),(6,5),(7,7),(8,4)

92: (1,8),(2,4),(3,1),(4,3),(5,6),(6,2),(7,7),(8,5)

Here are details of problem .

1) imagine rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

2) Now you want to place queens on 8 rows one in each row( one queeen per row :part of queens scope)

3) so each can be placed in any of 8 columns of each row.

4) when you place each one check it is not hitting any previously positioned queen.

5) Rest try to understand the code.

Int can be replaced with tiny int. (one byte can represent 8 possibilities)
This is a processor intesive and memory conservative algorithm.

Bad: hardcoded 8 alla across.

N queens on NXN square will be good problem to solve.