Interesting properties of Environment class
CurrentDirectory Gets or sets the fully qualified path of the current working directory.
ExitCode Gets or sets the exit code of the process.
HasShutdownStarted Gets a value indicating whether the common language runtime (CLR) is shutting down.
Is64BitOperatingSystem Determines whether the current operating system is a 64-bit operating system.
Is64BitProcess Determines whether the current process is a 64-bit process.
MachineName Gets the NetBIOS name of this local computer.
NewLine Gets the newline string defined for this environment.
OSVersion Gets an OperatingSystem object that contains the current platform identifier and version number.
ProcessorCount Gets the number of processors on the current machine.
StackTrace Gets current stack trace information.
SystemDirectory Gets the fully qualified path of the system directory.
SystemPageSize Gets the amount of memory for an operating system's page file.
TickCount Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system started.
UserDomainName Gets the network domain name associated with the current user.
UserInteractive Gets a value indicating whether the current process is running in user interactive mode.
UserName Gets the user name of the person who is currently logged on to the Windows operating system.
Version Gets a Version object that describes the major, minor, build, and revision numbers of the common language runtime.
WorkingSet Gets the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context.